Sunday, October 10, 2010

Finding what's next...

After finishing graduate school for my Master of Arts, I was sent out with a body of work that was strong, guided, and had a lot of room to grow. But outside of the environment of regular critiques, encouraging peers, and the sharpening that happens in a community of artists, I find myself becoming stagnant and cloudy in my artistic direction. My painting professor and my committee chair told me that when I left grad school it would be up to myself to form that sense of approval that I would normally receive from them and my fellow art grads. While I am making art I love I am still working on that sense of "This is good and worthy to be called art".

Something that I I found to be helpful is having a more "craft-focused" outlet-- being able to spend a few hours a day working on art that I think is beautiful and while it may not be the most conceptual and focused work I've created, it is just deep enough to keep my feet wet.

I am hoping that this blog will allow me to share some of the "not-so-fine-art" pieces of work and give me a forum in which to talk about them a little more.

This image is titled "the melodies of birds and bees" (formerly titled "Nest").

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